Beyond the Basics of a Commodity Trading Software
The leaders at M3 understand energy markets and the complex decision making it takes when finding the right solution for the energy industries. We have held leadership positions inside energy companies as CIO, CTO, COO, Director of Technology, Product Manager, and more.
Our team has written three versions of commodity marketing systems going back to 1993, with our most recent built 3 years ago. We have a wide range of energy experience including retail electricity, natural gas (retail and wholesale) to both commercial and residential consumers, diesel (retail and wholesale), and crude oil, and can help you with your energy technology decisions and implementations.
Energy Industry Software Capabilities and Expertise

Trade Capture
Captures natural gas and liquid fuel trades in an easy to use, grid-based, format with customization of the layout per user.

Risk Management
Provides basic market-to-market reporting, the margin by pipeline, day trades, and adjustments, and the ability to immediately value any trade with the most recent market data.

Position Management
Provides views of physical position to allow supply traders and retail marketers to actively manage open positions in near real-time.

Provides the ability to manage positions, determine and manage imbalances, and facilitate manual entry of scheduled volumed on the LDC scheduling system(s).

Provides both retail and wholesale billing. Allows for capture and maintenance of the appropriate tax structure and basic tax reporting.

Choice Programs
Provides “choice program” support for residential and small commercial accounts, including: integration with the LDC, load smoothing, weather normalization, and volume aggregation.

System captures pricing based on index, swing tolerance, percentage of index, and many other complex/aggregate pricing techniques.

Captures fees at various levels including meter, pipeline and trade to allow for complex fee structures. Also captures associates date ranges with each fee.