For decades, the vast majority of both in-house and outsourced development projects were handled in a similar manner with a traditional approach referred to as “Waterfall development.” Familiar in many ways to how project management occurs in spaces outside of IT, the Waterfall approach works from a base of estimated/fixed fees while taking projects through a distinct cycle of unique steps until finally reaching completion. In recent years, however, many development teams have embraced a new approach to managing projects—Agile development.
Agile (which is based upon incremental “sprints” as opposed to clearly defined stages) and Waterfall development methodologies differ in many ways, and each comes along with its own set of pros and cons. When approached correctly, however, Agile can come along with several benefits. This is especially true when it comes to outsourcing, as contrary to what many people believe, outsourced IT and Agile can pair together quite nicely with the right framework.
Here are just a few reasons why Agile methodology (if implemented correctly) is superior to Waterfall, no matter how large or small in scope a project happens to be.
At Momentum3, we tailor our approach to each client’s goals and needs, avoiding a “one-size-fits-all” mentality and instead highlighting the differentiators that set the companies we work with apart from the competition. Questions? We’re here to help, no matter how large or small of a project you have in mind. Contact us today to learn more and to discuss how Momentum3 can help turn your vision into a tangible reality.